How to Achieve the Perfect Birth
When I was pregnant, I spent a lot of time thinking about and visualizing how I wanted the birth to go. I did hypnobirthing and mediated daily on the peaceful, calm and beautiful delivery of our healthy child. It was on my mind A LOT. The birth of my baby was the empowered birth I imagined in many ways but not what I had in mind in others (hello stitches)! After the experience, I have a few thoughts on the perfect birth for you expectant mamas.
The way your child arrives is the perfect birth. Period. Be it natural, C-section, induced, epidural, home birth, doula assisted, water birth, playlist jamming or quiet room, midwife/doctor/nurse/husband/partner/taxi driver, laying down or squatting, it is perfect.
By all means, plan and research and know what you have in mind. Then release expectations and enjoy the ride (as best you can!). The releasing and surrendering are key to making it your perfect birth. Trust your body and trust your team.
How to achieve your perfect birth? Birth a baby.