Hey there, you Radiant Mama!

We've been waiting for you! This is your space to glow, learn, laugh, connect and thrive. This is your new mama tribe.

My Yoga Practice Now

My Yoga Practice Now

Prior to having Tallulah, I taught weekly hot power vinyasa and candlelight flow + restorative classes in a beautiful studio. I regularly taught a senior yoga class to a group of the nicest folks at a local church. I took classes weekly at my studio and thrived on the energy of the space as well as pushing myself to nail certain poses. 

Now? I practice 7 sun salutations on my living room rug in a dark house at 5:45 am. It's not rigorous but it is invigorating. Then, I sit in silence and meditate for as long as I can. I do a gentle yoga sequence in my bedroom by candlelight before bed which always includes hip openers, legs up the wall and a lengthy savasana. Sometimes, I will take an online class but mainly I just listen to my body and then do what it needs. I teach when I can, almost always in a format accessible for moms because that is where I am. I have taken a grand total of 4 yoga classes outside my home in 14 months and you know what? I finally embody and live YOGA. 

Yoga isn' t about having the most beautiful yoga pants or nailing a perfect arm balance. It isn't about pushing yourself to sweat through a sequence or attend a certain number of classes a week. Yoga isn't even about movement. Yoga is the yoke (or joining) of mind and body and however (or wherever) you practice and connect is perfect. 

Delight in the Present Moment

Delight in the Present Moment