Hey there, you Radiant Mama!

We've been waiting for you! This is your space to glow, learn, laugh, connect and thrive. This is your new mama tribe.

Delight in the Present Moment

Delight in the Present Moment

These days seem to fly by in a blur. There is so much to do between mothering, home responsibilities and work that staying focused on what is happening right now can be a challenge.  Today, I made a point to notice. I intentionally slowed down and celebrated. Time moves so fast and this is what I want to always remember about this particular moment in time with our daughter:

  • Her wide, toothy grin when she first sees me. She gets so genuinely excited and it completely warms my heart. 
  • The uh-oh when anything drops. It's adorable, even when "uh oh" is actually an "on purpose"
  • How proud she is of her new walking skills (cue the same excited gasp).
  • I hope the sound of her sweet voice is always etched on my soul. Mama, Dada and wow are my favorite of her words.
  • I want to always recall how sweet it is (albeit exhausting) that when she is sick, mama is all she wants, And I want her too <3. 
  • I want to remember how when she gets sleepy she lays her head down on the floor, but only for a minute. She's having WAY too much fun to stop and sleep. 
  • Every single moment is an opportunity to play a game- especially peek- a-boo, which always gets the big belly laughs!


This perfect moment is perfectly imperfect. 

My Yoga Practice Now

My Yoga Practice Now

Mama Mantra: I Can + I Will

Mama Mantra: I Can + I Will