Mama Meditation: Releasing Guilt
That mom guilt is something else. It comes on hard and strong like a hurricane and leaves you reeling from the aftermath. It's a visceral feeling and it can be brought on by the smallest thing. Recently for me, it was my choice of pajamas on a cold night. I flipped out about her freezing feet and felt the guilt storm rage. This is silly, I know. All I needed to do was put her in warmer clothes, which I did, but the guilt was real. The reality is that we all make mistakes, they happen and will happen again, despite our best intentions. Our work is in recognizing and then releasing that feeling.
The two kinds of guilt most often experienced by mamas is the guilt associated with a mistake and the guilt felt when spending time away from family. This meditation works for both. Feelings come and go and today's meditation is an exercise in release. Recognize the feeling, learn a lesson if there is one present and then release it with love and compassion.
Releasing Guilt
Find a comfortable seat. Support yourself by leaning up against the wall or a chair. Lay down, if that feels right. Use pillows, blankets or bolsters to achieve maximum comfort. Allow yourself to be fully supported by the surfaces below and around you.
Take a deep breath. Fill your lungs completely and feel your rib cage slowly expand. Exhale gently through your nose. Make your inhale and exhale of equal length. Do this three times and then return to a normal yogic breath by simply breathing in and out through our nose.
Visualize a situation where you have experienced mom guilt. Play the mental video over in your mind and relive the experience. Allow your body to process the reaction. Do you feel it in your gut? Is it a headache?
Release the guilt by using your breath as a guide. Inhale through your nose and allow your exhale to be loud with an open mouth. Release pent up guilt with your breath. Repeat the following words internally.
Inhale- I did my best.
Exhale- And it's all ok.
I did my best and it's all ok. I did my best and it's all ok. I did my best and it's all ok. I did my best and it's all ok. I did my best and it's all ok. I did my best and it's all ok.