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We've been waiting for you! This is your space to glow, learn, laugh, connect and thrive. This is your new mama tribe.

Mama Meditation: Presence

Mama Meditation: Presence

Remaining present is one of the biggest challenges of motherhood. There is always something lingering that requires thought, a future event that needs planning or a developmental milestone that has yet to be reached and thus provokes some anxiety. Stayed rooted in the present takes work. Like, a lot of work but it is so worth the effort. Cultivate presence and feel at peace. Be here now and dance in the beauty of the moment. The following is a quick meditation to tap into the present moment. 

Find a comfortable seat and relax. I like to lean against a wall or support myself using a block or bolster in reclined cobbler's pose. Close your eyes. Begin to cultivate deep yogic breath by breathing through your nose. Make your inhalation and exhalation of equal length. 

Notice- notice the temperature of the air, any background noise, the sensation of the floor or chair rising up to support you, the cooling sensation of the air as it moves through your body. As you breathe in, say PRESENT. As you exhale, say NOW. Present Now. Present Now. Present Now. Repeat as long as feels right and then slip into silent meditation.

Be intensely present now. 

Mama Mantra: I Can + I Will

Mama Mantra: I Can + I Will

Mama Mantra: No Mud No Lotus

Mama Mantra: No Mud No Lotus